Should I create a website for my business? How will a website benefit me if I already have a page on Facebook and other social networks?

Below you will find some of the reasons that address your questions about creating a website.

Many people wonder about the usefulness of a website and how it serves them, given that they already have other means of advertising and marketing in general. The answers are simple and stem from the needs and trends of the times. Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons:

1. Every business that respects itself must have a proper and modern website.

Nowadays, everything is done electronically. Therefore, for a business to be considered modern, its online presence is essential. Few people have the time to spend endless hours searching for products in various storefronts to compare prices and quality. A well-structured website gives everyone the ability to be ‘inside’ your business with just one click!

2. The credibility and prestige of your company automatically increase!

Very few people trust businesses that do not have an online presence. Every day, millions of internet users search for services or products online within minutes without waiting in lines or worrying about store hours.

3. Competition makes you better!

On the internet, you can easily compete with larger companies in your industry and showcase your products or services. Here, the playing field is level for everyone. Low cost and the ability to provide your services 24/7.

4. Communication with your customers and partners

Communication with your partners becomes easier, faster, and more economical. With the right website, you can be in constant and direct communication with your customers. They can easily and quickly learn about the latest news from your business, and it spreads effortlessly to all interested parties. Successful collaboration is a prerequisite for a successful business.

5. Your business is easy to find

On the internet, there are no geographical boundaries for your business. Your website helps you gain customers even from the most remote area of our country or even the entire world. Therefore, it doesn’t matter where your store or business is located. Everyone can find you quickly and easily.

6. Website = Permanent advertising on the internet without cost!

By creating a website, you have permanent exposure and advertising for your company on the internet. You can easily and as often as you want to present your services and products, your activities, without the need for high advertising costs on other sites.

7. Since I have a Facebook page, why should I also have a website?

Facebook is one thing, and a website is another. Many people do not know the differences and believe they are the same. A website gives prestige and does not appear sloppy and amateurish like a Facebook page. Of course, on the internet, one complements the other. Therefore, the purpose is for your Facebook page to showcase your company and its website accordingly, not the other way around.

8. If I have a Blog, do I need a website too?

We would say for the same reasons mentioned for Facebook. A blog is not a website; it does not provide you with the benefits of a website and should function as a complement to your site. It is very easy with a website and the right website promotion package for a blogger to gain new readers and demonstrate professionalism.

For all these reasons and many more, we would recommend that you seriously consider moving forward and entrusting the creation of your website to a professional. The sooner, the better for your business.