A new funding program through ESPA is expected to be activated soon, offering 100% funding and up to €5,000 for the creation of an e-shop (electronic store) for each business. This program is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises in the retail sector.

The subsidy will cover small and very small businesses across Greece that have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and wish to set up an e-shop. Through the program, businesses will have the opportunity to acquire their own subsidized e-shop, allowing them to operate online both during lockdown periods and in the future.

With the creation of an e-shop, your business will never have to close again.

The subsidy will cover all activities required for

  • design
  • construction
  • support
  • hosting
of a new, fully integrated e-commerce store.

Why should I build an e-shop?

The pandemic period has highlighted, perhaps more than ever before, how crucial it is for every business to have its own e-shop to offer its products for online purchases. An e-shop has now become a necessity for your business during the pandemic and is also extremely useful beyond this period.

Comprehensive support

DIGIQAL collaborates with experienced business consultants and is well-positioned to offer comprehensive support for submitting your proposal. We handle the entire process, from preparing the necessary documentation for the ESFA funding, filing the application, to the construction of your online store.

More and more businesses are now realizing the need to create their own e-shop.

Everyone is continuing online,

Why not you?

Trust DIGIQAL’s experience and build your own e-shop quickly.

Contact us now at 23140-22942 or fill out the form below, and you will receive all the necessary information as soon as the new EFSI grant program for e-shop construction is officially published.

In this effort, we are all together!