Is it worth creating an e-shop? What are the benefits of having an online store (eshop) and selling products online? What will you gain? Will it attract customers or will you lose your money? Countless questions that trouble both new and seasoned entrepreneurs. Below, you will find all the answers!

The advantages of an online store and why you should get your own eshop.

It’s time to take your business a step further without much personal effort. The internet, with its incredible speed, can reach even the most remote areas, entering every home and every business. With the creation of an e-shop and the click of a button, your business’s profits can skyrocket. Maybe it’s time to seriously consider it?

10+1 Reasons to Create Your Own E-Shop

With an e-shop, you have a place on the internet!
Nowadays, the average consumer doesn’t have time for daily trips to the market. For their purchases, or for finding information about the company or brand of a product they want to buy, they use the internet. Businesses without an online store are becoming increasingly inaccessible to consumers who prefer to shop online.

Expand Beyond Local Boundaries
With an e-shop, your physical store location is no longer a limitation. Buyers can be anywhere in the world, bypassing local market constraints! You can receive orders from existing or new customers in different cities or even other countries.

Compete Effectively
You don’t need to spend thousands on creating large, impressive stores and developing an extensive sales network! The online market plays differently. The businesses that stand out are not necessarily those with expensive facilities and many employees, but those with a user-friendly and functional e-shop and a search-engine-friendly website. What interests online customers is the proper presentation of products. By creating an impressive e-shop, you can compete with the biggest names in your field!

Show Respect to Your Customers
Customers want to enjoy their shopping experience and select from a vast range of products, services, and manufacturers quickly. Provide them with the ability to stay updated on your products and services in detail, without fatigue and hassle.

E-Shop is Open 24/7
An e-shop has no operating hours and no breaks. Orders can be placed at any time, even when you’re busy, and your customers aren’t! It’s like having an tireless salesperson who can answer customer queries and process multiple orders simultaneously.

Significant Reduction in Advertising Costs
A smart and modern online store is the best and permanent advertisement for all your products and services, saving you from other advertising costs. When introducing a new product, you don’t need entirely new advertising materials or additional online and print ads. Just upload it to your e-shop, and your advertisement is ready without extra costs!

Promotions! A Customer Favorite
With your e-shop, you can easily, quickly, and cost-effectively promote your offers. In challenging times, customers are always looking for deals and discounts. Your promotions and discounts will be instantly visible to the world at no extra cost!

Multiple Payment Methods
Your e-shop can offer various payment options. For example, integrating PayPal allows you to accept any credit or debit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express) within PayPal’s environment. Other options like cash on delivery, bank transfers, or even in-store payments can also be available.

Pre-Orders & Notifications for Out-of-Stock Items
If a product is out of stock, your e-shop provides a solution. You can allow users who want a product that’s out of stock to sign up on a form so they can purchase it as soon as it becomes available.

Why Have a Website When You Have Facebook or Another Social Media Account?
Firstly, Facebook is not a website but a well-known social network. While it’s good to have a presence there, it doesn’t replace the role of a website for the reasons mentioned above. Your complete online presence includes a well-designed and structured website that will feed content into your social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.) with the aim of attracting a large number of potential customers over time.

Your e-shop provides information and crucial statistics for making business decisions. You can easily see:

  1. Which products were purchased and how many
  2. When they were bought and by whom
  3. The total revenue for any period you wish to analyze
  4. Revenue per product or product category

These and many other useful statistics are part of your management tools to help you make better decisions for your business.

Do you still not have your own E-Shop?