Why does my website need SEO?

Many people wonder, ‘What is SEO? Why do I need SEO?

The term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO, in short, is the practice of optimizing the effectiveness of website content for discovery through search engines.

So why do we need it? The answer is simple. Nowadays, people search for everything on the internet all day, every day. Google processes approximately 3.5 billion search queries daily. That’s a huge number! 3.5 billion, and 95% of searches remain on the first page of their search results.

SEO will help you place your website in front of people on the first page of search results when they are looking for something online. And this is useful for two main reasons:

1. you can answer customers’ questions.

2. Your product or service appears in the top positions when customers are searching to make a purchase.

With an organized and clear approach, we provide Google with all the information it seeks, including content, website code, directories, search engines, and social networks. This helps Google evaluate and rank your website more positively, as well as each page individually.

What Elements Affect SEO?

Quality of Traffic: You might attract visitors from all over the world, but if they come to your site because Google thinks you’re a seller of Apple computers when you’re actually a farmer selling apples, it’s not quality traffic. Instead, your goal should be to attract visitors who are genuinely interested in the products you offer.

Quantity of Traffic: With the right people clicking on search engine results (SERPs), traffic improves!

Organic Results: A significant portion of many SERPs includes advertisements. Proper and organic traffic is any traffic that doesn’t require payment but still brings profit!

What Does SEO Depend On?

Getting a website to the first page of Google is not easy. There are many factors that need to be considered.

Some of these factors include:

  • The keywords you have used and how relevant they are to your website’s subject matter.
  • How relevant the content is to the keywords and the frequency of their occurrence within your texts.
  • The presence of alt text accompanying and explaining each photo and video.
  • The level of competition.
  • The age of your domain.
  • The coding language used for your website and the quality of the code.
  • The proper use of social networks.
  • Your geographical location.
  • Your relationship with new technologies and techniques.
  • Proper and high-quality metatags on the homepage and each page of the website.
  • References from other high-quality websites, as this validates the site’s authority and the importance of its content.

Why can’t search engines understand my site without SEO?

While search engines are intelligent, they still need continuous help to improve their technology (algorithm improvements). Major search engines are constantly working to crawl the web more deeply and return the best results for users. However, there is a limit to how well search engines can function.

With the right SEO practices, your visitors can multiply rapidly, whereas incorrect handling can bury your site deep in the search results where there is no traffic, leaving your business unnoticed.

As the internet becomes increasingly competitive, those companies that perform SEO correctly gain advantages in visitors and customers, while your site without SEO remains on the sidelines.

A proper SEO strategy can move your website from page 100 to the first page, greatly increasing your chances of being found by visitors and potential new customers.

All of the above points prove that optimizing a website for search engines (SEO) is a straightforward activity directly linked to the words and phrases relevant to what your website offers. While the process is simple, it can yield impressive results when the right keywords are placed in the right spots within your content.